Senpai! Ima Kara Kokurimasu!Chapter 30
Comedy Romance

Once Koharu's favourite actress told her that a good woman never gets dumped. Ever since then, Koharu has lived a life where she has neither failed a confession nor she got dumped. Prideful Koharu decides to take up a challenge and confesses to Kanzaki-senpai, 'the smiling guillotine' only to be turned down even before she gets to complete her sentence. This cannot and shall not be accepted! Koharu refuses to back down and decides to keep on confessing until she gets an OK from Kanzaki-senpai

My Idol Came To My House!Chapter 4
Comedy Romance

"Please go out with me with the intent of marriage!" What happens to Sumire when she gets proposed to by long-time actor Sakkyun...!? "I do like you and you're my idol, but what're you saying!?" The every day lives of Sumire, frantically trying not to cross the line of fan rules, and Sakkyun, her idol who comes to her with no hesitation. My idol x me!? A love comedy, pushed by her idol!

Super Seisyun BrothersChapter 6

Older sisters are best friends, younger siblings are best friends. Among these like brothers there is a strange relationship.

Komugi To Sekai No Ryouri-kunChapter 1

Komugi has lived most of her life at home, until one day when her father suddenly comes home with two tiny men. These two tiny men are the incarnations of legendary enchanted cookbooks. Komugi's Dad charges the two, French Cuisine and Japanese Cuisine, to live with and cook for his daughter. How will Komugi cope with the two tiny rambunctious and handsome guys?Â